S.V.P Team with coworkers present update 1.4:

Price of some buildings and creatures (A more detailed adjustment will be made in the next update by Valentin).

Magic dome animation set, it appears more than once.

T2 creature power modification (archer) base gains 1 minimum damage Evolving gains 1 damage maximum.

Number of creature t2 produced increase to 14 per week instea of 10

Changed the ability t3 Ice Shard, can now be ranged once per fight to make it more attractive.

Elite extra beast: this causes the cooling ability to present damage on activation debuff to all units (this creature was a little weak for an extra powerful elite)

Dragon Frost gains +1 movement in its stats.

Animation of Frost bird die was missing: fix.

Added Castle Name: Nordic rpg town name inspirer.

Fixed Frost fort (name and icon)

Reduced healing of god of ice ultimate ability (approximately 30% less healing)

Fixed frozen debuff: freezing units sometimes moving (test to do)

Added missing animation for hit warfare Frost.

Fixed death animation of t4 and t6. I had to adjust so that the corp disappears. The problem is, when the Phoenix resurrected, the creature disappeared anyway.

The Horsemen Frost t6 was destroying the castle gates when he succeeded them, fixer.

Added particle for Frost defense tower attack.


About other things you can read here: https://jwbj54.webwave.dev/changelog


In addition, visit our Discord where you will learn about new things on a regular basis: https://discord.gg/YwUJRjaR3E

And if you liked the mods, you can now support us through Petreon: https://www.patreon.com/Slyen_h7

Update 1.4

09 września 2021



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