Read About Tower Army

The multitude of people, beings and creatures inhabiting the Union made its army very diverse. Its core consists of the guardians and protectors of city-states, roads and borders. Among them are mercenaries, fugitives, and scabbards with a lousy past from all corners of Ashan. It will include the strange and powerful creatures inhabiting the Dragon's Causeway, which have been tamed by the Archmages. Such an army is primarily adapted to fighting in the snowy mountains, defending its borders and cities. It is not created for the conquest of other countries, which does not mean that it is not dangerous outside its territory.

Tower Army

(To raed about Creatures, click its icon)

Core Units:

Protector/Snow Warrior 

Bearman /Polar Beast

Savant /Wizard Tutor

Storm Rider /Blizzard Rider

Outcast/Ice Ranger

Phantom of Winter/Phantom of Frost

Elite Units:

Legendary Units:

Special Units:

Destroyer /Mountain Striker

Blue Dragon /Ice Dragon

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